The 12 Zodiac Signs As Disney Princesses


Calling all Disney Fans and 90’s kids!

Who doesn’t love a Disney Princess? With the current emergence of Disney+ I am in HEAVEN reliving all my childhood fantasies of growing up to be Ariel and Belle. They even have the sequels of a lot of our favourite Disney movies, which I believed were a lost relic of video stores!

In this post, I’ll go through each of the 12 zodiac signs and assign a Disney Princess to each. This is a fun read for any Disney fan, but also an excellent way to remember some of the aspects to each of the signs. Perfect for beginner astrologers, as having a character to recall each sign by will really help you on your journey.

Reading not your thing? Of course we have a video version of this content too.
So sit back and enjoy this post or video about the 12 zodiac signs as Disney Princesses!

Aries, ruled by the ram and prone to hitting their problems headfirst! Sometimes with disastrous results! Also a cardinal sign and not one that likes to be told what to do and how to do it! Just like Merida becomes by the end of the movie, Aries is a born leader. Sometimes it just takes some stubborness and learning the hard way to figure that out.


Most people would put Ariel in Pisces, solely because she’s a fish, but I’ve taken a different view based on her fondness for collectibles and love of singing. Taurus is ruled by the planet venus who is all about love and money, and this gives Taurus a very romantic and sensual side to them. The bull is also the symbol of Taurus and Ariel is absolutely bull-headed in her pursuit of the pretty boy from the boat.


Pocahontas is a true Gemini as she is mutable and changeable and can easily walk in both worlds (especially if you’ve seen Pocahontas 2 when she travels to England!). Gemini’s are excellent communicators and are known for having two sides to them. Pocahontas has her village side, demure and traditional and then this beautiful wild side that is all her own. Gemini’s are also prone to boredom if kept in one place all the time so I’m not surpirsed she fell in love with an explorer.


Cinderella, the perfect example of what a 50s housewife should be, there is a reason this movie was released in the 50s and shows a woman doing her womanly due diligince in the home. Cancer as a sign is often referred to as a 50s housewife as they love to host dinner parties, entertain guests and feed people. They are nurturers and even when Cinderella was treated as terribly as she was, she still had room in her heart to nurture her animal friends.


Jasmine is fiery and fierce, she is not afraid of anything and shines in the spotlight. Leo’s love knowing they’re special and a little bit above others, whilst this is not super evident in the movie as Jasmine feels like a trapped tiger in a cage, it is evident in her fathers search for a suitor. She has lofty ideals and won’t take anything less than she deserves.


Belle loves a good book to expand her mind, she’s also quick witted with high standards so she must be a Virgo. Being ruled by Mercury, Virgo’s must have a way to constantly be learning and keeping their mind busy. They also make really good teachers and are excellent with animals.


Oh Anna, she was so desperate for someone to marry her, she was willing to marry a man she just met! Libra’s are the ruler of the 7th house of relationships and therefore are generally ‘relationship people’. Libra also has a way with words, soothing hurts and making friends easily, even if they’re a grumpy, troll raised, mountain man named Kristoff.


Scorpio is like the bad boy of the zodiac and therefore, needs to be fronted by the most bad ass princess which is of course Mulan. She pretty much singlehandedly saves China by secretly pretending to be a man, cross dressing like a boss and pulling it off for the most part too. Scorpios also feel at home amongst the uncomfortable sides of life, like death and warzones.


Moana has the determination of a fire sign and the spirit of an explorer. She is perfectly at home, way outside of the comfort zone. Moana is a trail blazer and like a true Sagittarian, will bring back all she has learnt to share and teach everyone else.


Tiana puts everyone else to shame when it comes to working hard for your goals. She has a dream and will stop at nothing to achieve it! A true business woman and career girl to the core, but with a soft mushy inside, despite the hard exterior. Capricorn is also ruled by the sea goat, a mythical creature that shows Capricorns ability to be both of the physical and the spiritual world, which works nicely with her dealings with Mama Odi and the Shadow man.


Elsa is stuck in some of the more negative aspects of Aquarius, she is fear and anxiety driven. Desperate for connection but terrified at the same time. She is definitely not like anybody else, she really is special and born to lead!


Rapunzel is such a sweetheart, you can’t help but feel for her poor sensitive soul when she first leaves her tower. She’s excitable and rebellious one minute and terrified, emotional and pained in the next. She doesn’t really view anyone as a threat and has a beautiful dream vision for the world that it is all sunshine and rainbows. A true Pisces if I ever saw one.

So there we have, all 12 signs and their princess counterparts!
If you love this, don’t forget to check out my blog post on the 12 zodiac signs as Disney Villains too!

Would you have changed any of them? Was it fun to see the lighter sides of each of the signs?
Let me know in the comments!

Want to find out more about your zodiac sign? Check out my astrology reports here

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Brightest Blessings,

Hana the Suburban Witch

Meet Hana

Hana O’Neill, the Suburban Witch is a professional Tarot & Astrology reader, Intuitive Coach and the host of the Witch Talks podcast.

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