Books & Tarot
Writing & Creating
An artist at heart, Hana is a prolific creative. She paints, she sews, she knits and of course she writes.
Stories come to her in the small moments. They arrive in her dreams, or whilst feeding her babies and when tending to her garden.
Current Works In Progress
A Tarot Deck for Writers and Book lovers
Name: The Writers Tarot
Publisher: Seeking publication
Illustrator: Seeking an illustrator (think, dark academia meets ghibli vibes)
Progress: Card names and themes have been drafted. 2000 words of guidebook have been drafted.
Idea: If there’s one thing that witches love more than the Tarot itself, it would be books, so why not combine them both!
The Writers Tarot deck bridges the gap between writers, book readers and tarot readers!
Supernatural Fiction
Name: The Damned (Working Title)
Publisher: Seeking a literary agent
Idea: Angels are the watchers, they work for God within a single capacity and their only rule is to not interact. The Nephilim were proof of what happens when you disobey, which instigated the floods.
Azazel is one of the Watcher Angels who’s purpose is to watch over their flock of humans. The only rule; Do not interact, and that’s about to get broken.
This book is about fallen angels and explores the philosophical questions of religious deconstruction that I myself experienced such as; Is God truly benevolent? If He is all powerful, why allow suffering? Indeed, why cause it?
Set in 2000BC with stories that align with Genesis 16 of the old testament, mixing concepts from the Book of Enoch, this will rewrite everything you think you know about God and his angelic children.If you want to read the first chapter of the first draft you can do so via the Suburban Witches Society
Progress & Updates:
July 2023 - 66,651 wordsWriting is slow going right now as I focus on some other projects such as the Tarot deck, re-releasing my divination course and presenting classes. Watch out though as I will be participating in NaNoWriMo once again this November and I encourage you to join me! We will be challenging ourselves to write 50k words in 30 days!
I’ll be providing writing prompts (inspired by the Tarot) and sharing my own progress along the way via social media. If I can smash out an additional 50k for this WIP that will mean the first draft is complete!
October 2023 - 67,020 words
I am focusing more on re-reading what I’ve written and making a gazillion notes for myself because I’ve realised far too late that when revisiting certain locations, I can’t fully recall how I’ve described the scene and it’s a slog to figure out which chapter it appeared in. So, in comes the note book which I wish I began from the start (the more you know)
Hoping this re-read and organised note taking helps me kick off NaNoWriMo with a bang next month!December 2023 - 86,997 words (book 1) and 29,415 words (book 2)
BOOK ONE IS FINISHED! Well, the first draft and second draft are finished. Still a tiny bit of tweaking to be done based off the feedback from my beta readers before I feel ready to query!
Book two has begun. The plot has been outlined and I am a third of the way into the 1st draft. Already I can see how far I’ve come as a writer and I’m LOVING the process.March 2024 - 85,532 words (book 1) and 29,397 words (book 2)
Book one is undergoing revisions as I try to tighten it, and increase the tension. I’ve had an editor look over the opening pages and I am incorporating their valuable feedback into the book whilst also writing my query letter and synopsis.Playlist: You can listen to the songs I’ve curated for this book HERE. This includes songs that have inspired me, put me in the mood or vibe for certain scenes and more.
Kids Books
Name: Magickal Plants for Kids
Publisher: TBC
Illustrator: TBC
Progress: 25% first draft completeIdea: A lift the flap non-fiction witchy book about plants
Roses aren’t always redViolets aren’t actually blue
In this book you’ll learn
A plant fact or two
So listen up close
And open your eyes
As each of these plants
Come with a surprise
Name: The Winter Solstice Fairy
Publisher: TBC
Illustrator: TBC
Progress: Complete, seeking publication
Idea: Inspired by the Shirley Barber books of the 90s which stirred my imagination as a child, I crafted a lilting poem about a winter solstice fairy to delight every child
”Who is she? This sprightly fairy?Clothed in shadows and winter berry?”
Name: All My Family
Publisher: TBC
Illustrator: TBC
Progress: Complete, seeking publication
Idea: A family full of differences, enjoys a birthday dinner held together by their core family beliefs. This book is written for children of families with blended religious backgrounds and children brought up with strong spiritual practices at home that differ from the expected and accepted religions in mainstream schooling.
Name: My Mummy is a Witch [Name to be changed]
Publisher: TBC
Illustrator: TBC
Progress: Complete, seeking publication
Idea: “Witches aren’t the characters that you all think they are, And the Magic in your storybooks is a little bit bizarre.”
‘My Mummy is a Witch’ is the story of a child at school not relating to all the other kids who describe their parents as annoying and boring. They stand up and let everyone know how cool their Mum is, because they’re a Witch! They describe the unique differences in their Mother and the way she views the world. The child tells us that Witches are not scary or bad and that their storybook image needs a rewrite. They then tell of all the wonderful things their Mum has in their home to help those around her. Their Mum has a deck of tarot cards, and crystals, an altar and herbs. The child expresses their desire to be a Witch too when they grow up, and say that anyone can be a Witch, even if your Mother isn’t one like theirs.
I grew up in a very strict, Pentecostal household, attending church up to 4 times a week, and schooled through a private Christian school with limited media intake from the outside world. After my Mother and I were kicked out of the church in my early teens, I slowly began deconstructing my religion and found Witchcraft along the way. Through the eyes of the church I was taught that Witchcraft was devil work and evil so growing up I never saw a positive example of a Witch, which proved difficult to work through when navigating that path for myself. This negative stereotype reared its ugly head again when I had children with thoughts like, “is this evil? Should I really be letting them see this?”
I hope that my children will grow up never considering evil and witchcraft to be synonymous and with books like ‘My Mummy is a Witch’ out there, I believe it will help parents and children alike to challenge the negative Witch stereotype that’s so engrained in our culture.
This book is written for children of Witches and/or Pagans and children brought up with strong spiritual practices at home that differ from the expected and accepted religions in mainstream schooling.