5 Signs Your Child Has Been Reincarnated
Right now, most of us are navigating all the COVID-19 changes which may have you spending a lot more time with your kids, perhaps working from home or even home schooling! All this extra time together, may bring out some strange happenings that have you questioning everything you know or understand about your child.
Kids say the darndest things, but sometimes they come out with something that really throws us for a loop! What I’m talking about here, is when your 3yr old child says something like “My name is Tommy, and I work underground, my face gets all dirty” before running off to keep playing with their crayons.
It can be difficult to distinguish between play and potential past life memories and of course your own beliefs will determine how you handle this situation. This post is designed to give you a hand in figuring out your child, knowing when to believe them and when to call in an expert as well as detailing some of the other symptoms of past lives popping up in our children.
I’ve written this post as a guide for parents but this can be used by Teachers, Aunts, Siblings, Cousins and Grandparents alike. Most past life memories appear during the ages of 2-5 but sometimes have extended to the age of 8.
Why is Reincarnation Important?
Reincarnation is the belief that our soul lives on, past physical death and may even return to the Earth in a new body. There are numerous religions that ascribe to this belief and the spiritual or new-age community is definitely on board with the idea.
What makes it important is the hope that it provides, the understanding of ourselves on a deeper level and spiritual aspect that our physical lives have greater meaning and are a way for us to work through spiritual lessons to grow and progress. It is a welcome relief from the fire and brimstone teachings of Christianity that offer us the potential for an eternity of pain if you don’t do everything perfectly.
Understanding that your child has been reincarnated can provide a deeper connection between you and your child, giving them a safe space and an outlet for discussing their memories, ideas or fears which otherwise may have had them ridiculed or shut down.
Let us jump into some of the tell-tale signs that your child is remembering a past life.
Recurring nightmares, or dreams with scary or traumatic themes can be one way a child remembers and expresses their past life memories. There was a very famous case of a child named James Leninger who began experiencing dreams and nightmares about an aeroplane crash and stating “plane on fire!”. He also was able to recount details of his dream, that the plane was a Corsair and that he had flown off a boat. This all happened when James was around the age of 2 years old.
To read more of this fascinating story click here .
Kids can have a habit of naming their toys and teddies some truly bizarre things. My daughter recently went through a phase of naming her teddy ‘hair brush’. There are times however, when these names can give us clues to a potential past life. An example of this is when children name their toys with popular baby names from other cultures or countries that are not common where the child is growing up. Or when learning to talk, they make sounds that are unusual in their native tongue and instead represent a different language style.
Xenoglossy is very rare but has been documented. One particular case was of a Thai boy named Bongkuch Promsin who claimed to recall his life as a murdered youth from Laos. His memories were specific enough to actually identify the Laos youth which verified his story.
He also consistently told his parents he was not Thai, but in fact Laotian and he had many traits from the Laotian culture such as washing his hands by immersion in water, rather than under running water. He spoke his Thai with a Laotian accent and also used unusual words for fruits and vegetables which were later confirmed to be the Laotian names for these items. To read more about this story and other confirmed cases of Xenoglossy click here.
Children may also exhibit a fascination with a certain topic. This can also be a neurodivergent trait of autism, so it is important to understand the differences. The topic of fascination is likely to do with a time in history such as World War 2 or in relation to a previous occupation.
There was a case of a boy named Ryan Hammons who at the age of 4 began obsessing over Hollywood and wanting to go back to Hollywood. He told his mother of the actresses he loved (all who were long dead) and how he danced on Broadway and was an actor and Hollywood agent. They managed to find Ryan’s former self and he was able to identify 55 details such as his name, previous address and exact age of death. An incredible story and you can read more on it here.
The most common clue to a previous life, is the general comments, stories and statements your child may make. Some examples of these are;
“You’re not my Mummy/Daddy.”
“When I was a Mummy/Daddy”
“When I was big, I …(used to have blue eyes/had a car, etc.).”
“That happened before I was in mum’s tummy.”
“I have a wife/husband/children.”
“I used to…(drive a truck/live in another town, etc.)
“I died … (in a car accident/after I fell, etc.)”
“Remember when I …(lived in that other house/was your daddy, etc.)”
“I want to go back to my other… (house, family, parents etc.)”
Resources to learn more
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If you wish to learn more about children of reincarnation with validated examples I can HIGHLY recommend any of Dr. Ian Stevenson’s books on the topic such as this one.
He was the world leader in childhood reincarnation research.
The other author worth noting is Dr. Brian Weiss for his work on past lives. In particular, his book ‘Many Lives, Many Masters’ which you can find here. His focus is more on adults.
If you suspect your child may have been reincarnated, there are scientists and researchers who want to hear about it! You can find out more here.
Lastly, some interesting items noticed by the key reincarnation expert Dr. Ian Stevenson, he has suspected strong emotions are what ties a childs memories to their past life. This is often shown to be the case when the cause of death was traumatic or violent in some way. He also noted that there were usually a couple of years in between these lives and it wasn’t an instant transfer from one body to another.
If you want more past life or reincarnation content make sure to check out my YouTube videos on the subject!
Brightest Blessings,
Hana the Suburban Witch
Meet Hana
Hana O’Neill, the Suburban Witch is a professional Tarot & Astrology reader, Intuitive Coach and the host of the Witch Talks podcast.