Book Review - Spinstress Craft by Leslie J. Linder

I recently read Spinstress Craft by Leslie J. Linder, a book about ‘Magick for the Independent Witch’. This book intrigued me as it spoke of rising up and reclaiming your feminine power, which in the Witchcraft community is often code for the TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminism) version of witchcraft often preodminant in Dianic Wicca. However, the author explicitly states that this is written for all ‘womxyn’ - a term encompassing those born biologically female, transgender women, and nonbinary people. Well, interest piqued, I quickly invited Leslie onto the podcast (look out for episode 10) and began reading.

This book isn’t written for complete beginners to the craft but it wouldn’t be difficult for a newbie to jump into.
I’d say it’s kind of like a step above beginner but not quite intermediate. The spells and rituals included are not complex or advanced but useful nonetheless. If you’ve read many witch books before it will likely be very similar in those regards however this book includes a lot of discussion around gender, sexuality, feminism and social concepts which is not as commonly seen in books on the craft. I appreciate the author addressing these topics and having now spoken with her, I know that her intent behind this was not performative but in alignment with her values.

Other reviewers have commented about the term womxyn is used as ‘inclusionary hype’ however I disagree. If reading the word women spelled differently bugs you so much, there is some learning there to be done. Whilst some of the suggestions (for example the use of yoni eggs) may or not be possible for some trans women, it doesn’t make the inclusion idea defunct as there are many women who may or may not be able to or open to using this. A simple skip over that particular passage is all that is needed.

Overall a quick read and an good refresher on the maiden/mother/crone archetypes in a way that isn’t just about the biological or age stage for womxyn.
My only gripe was the use of the term ‘smudging’ which can easily be rectified in a later reprint to the term smoke cleansing.

Overall I give this book 3 out of 5 witches hats.

My witches hats rating system:

0 - Problematic, this book should be burned.
1 - Did not like this book, do not read
2 - It was ok, wouldn’t recommend it though.
3 - I liked it but it might not be for everyone
4 - I really liked it and think most people will like it
5 - AMAZING, I loved it and everyone should read it

Meet Hana

Hana O’Neill, the Suburban Witch is a professional Tarot & Astrology reader, Intuitive Coach and the host of the Witch Talks podcast.

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