What Are Chakras?
Originating in India, the Chakra system was first referenced in a text called the Vedas dating back to between 1500 and 500 BC.
Chakras are our energy centres, there are numerous minor and major Chakras throughout the physical, etheric, spiritual and celestial bodies but today I will be focusing on the 7 main chakras.
It is important to understand chakras and know how to work with them because they connect us with every single area of our life. Imbalances can cause emotional and physical harm to us and if we know how to rebalance ourselves, we can live a happier more harmonious life.
This topic is particularly poignant for those in the health and wellness sector, yoga instructors, healing modalities especially energetic healing and also those in the psychic field.
In this post I’ll be giving a run down of what each chakra represents, how to know when it’s unbalanced and a couple of tips on rebalancing these chakras yourself.
You can even watch my YouTube video on this exact topic which I’ve included below.
What is a Chakra?
A Chakra is the Sanskrit term for disc or wheel and refers to an energy centre on the body. The 7 Main Chakras are located along the spinal column starting with the base chakra at the tip of the tailbone, all the way up to the crown chakra at the top of the head.
As Chakras are energetic centres, they exist on an energy level not usually visible to the naked eye. Someone who is medically intuitive or clairvoyant may be able to see these centres with their naked eye, but most people will not see anything.
Chakras are responsible for bringing energy in, incorporating and distributing it throughout our physical, etheric, spiritual and celestial bodies and removing any built up energy that is no longer serving us.
Why Is Balancing Your Chakras Important?
Sometimes these energy centres can become blocked due to things like trauma, stress or anxiety. The Chakras can also have an excessive amount of energy which is also not good, this can again be from resisting the flow of life, excerting too much control, stress and unprocessed trauma.
We all move in and out of balance throughout our lives. Each Chakra provides a specific purpose in our journey and growing up, learning new things, experiencing good and bad situations all have an effect on us and our Chakras.
What Are The 7 Main Chakras?
The Root or Base Chakra is located at the tip of the tailbone. A balanced root chakra is someone who is grounded. If you have a blocked root Chakra, you will feel lethargic and if you have excessive energy in your root Chakra, you may be a workaholic.
The Root Chakra is associated with the colour red and is linked with the tribal element of our lives which is generally the formative years of development, when our family takes us under their wing and says “we will help raise and mould this child”.
This chakra is your security base and any upheaval financially or with your childhood family can greatly upset the balance of this chakra along with any major trust issues.
Possible physical and emotional symptoms of an unbalanced root chakra are lower back pain, prostate and colon problems, pain in the legs, sciatica, sitting pain, suspiscious tendencies and lack of trust.
The Sacral Chakra is located just below your belly button. A balanced Sacral Chakra is someone who is creative. If you have a blocked Sacral Chakra, you will feel apathetic and if you have excessive energy in your Sacral Chakra, you may have an over-active sex drive.
The Sacral Chakra is associated with the colour orange and is linked with the time in our lives when we begin school. This is when we realise we can bond with others and form friendship groups, separate from our family, we may also begin notice our expression of sexuality.
This chakra is your social circle, emotions, creativity and sexuality. Therfore, any upheaval with your friendships, sexual trauma, rejection, emotional abuse, religious severity and alcoholic families.
Possible physical and emotional symptoms of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra are fertility issues, addictions, mood swings, obsession with body image, painful periods, hip pain and bloating.
Solar Plexus
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located at the above the belly button, just below the rip cage. A balanced Solar Plexus chakra is someone who is Confident. If you have a blocked Solar Plexus Chakra, you will feel stagnant and stuck, if you have excessive energy in your Solar Plexus Chakra, you may be an anxious person.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the colour yellow and is linked with our personal power. This is our identity, and how we see ourselves as separate from both our family and friends (from the 1st and 2nd chakras).
This chakra is your power base and anything that strips your power will affect this Chakra such as bullying, strict parents or authoritarian figures in your life, abuse from a person in a power position such as a boss, disempowering ideaologies usually from strict religious practices.
Possible physical & emotional symptoms of an unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra are stomach pain, low self esteem, anxiety, IBS, people pleasing tendencies and very hot OR very cold body temperatures.
The Heart Chakra is located at the heart centre. A balanced Heart Chakra is someone who is compassionate. If you have a blocked Heart Chakra, you will be unfeeling and numb and if you have excessive energy in your heart Chakra, you may be clingy.
The heart Chakra is associated with the colour green and pink and is linked with the idea of marriage. The time in our lives when we decide to share what we have, with another human, in equal footing.
This chakra is your relationship base, so any upheaval in your major or important relationships will cause a breakdown of this Chakra. Divorce, break ups, breach of marital trust, cheating, domestic abuse and violence can all affect this Chakra.
Possible physical and emotional symptoms of an unbalanced heart Chakra are chest pain, toxic relationships, breathing issues, asthma, racing heart, upper back pain, co-dependency and sometimes issues surrounding the sexual organs such as breast cancer, ovarian or prostate cancer, quite often following the breakdown of a marriage.
The Throat Chakra is located at the base of the neck. A balanced Throat Chakra is someone who is communicating clearly. If you have a blocked throat Charka, you will be suppressed and if you have excessive energy in your Throat Chakra, you may be prone to outbursts.
The Throat Chakra is associated with the colour sky blue and is linked with the idea of communicating and expressing our beliefs in who we are and speaking our truth. To stand up and say, this is who I am and this is what I believe!
This chakra is your truth base, so any time you are asked to lie for someone, or suppress yourself to accommodate for someone elses emotional state you are unbalancing this chakra. Leaving words unsaid or even when we speak our truth and are condemned for it will leave this chakra out of balance.
Possible physical and emotional symptoms of an unbalanced throat chakra are a sore throat, lost voice, inflamed throat glands, neck pain, stiff neck, shoulder pain, coughing, excessive swearing, painful remarks and a biting tongue.
Third Eye
The Third Eye Chakra is located in between the eye brows. A balanced Third Eye Chakra is someone who is intuitive. If you have a blocked third eye chakra, you will over-analyze everything and if you have excessive energy in your third eye Chakra, you may have a lack of psychic boundaries.
The third eye Chakra is associated with the colour indigo and is linked with thethe ability to see life with clarity, insight, and self awareness.
This chakra is your imagination base and your mental wellness. This chakra is the key to unlocking spiritual enlightenment and seeing outside your physical reality.
Possible physical and emotional symptoms of an unbalanced third eye chakra can be mental illness, feeling overwhelmed, headaches, vision issues, sleep disturbances, insomnia, feeling fearful, unable to concentrate, indesicive, sinus issues and being judgemental.
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head. A balanced Crown Chakra is someone who feels connected, to everyone and the Universe. If you have a blocked Crown Chakra, you will be skeptical and if you have excessive energy in your crown Chakra, you may be ungrounded.
The crown Chakra is associated with the colour white and purple and is linked with the spiritual union of all that is. The Crown Chakra governs our awareness of a higher consciousness and connection to the creator.
This chakra is your spiritual base, so any upheaval in your major spiritual beliefs can cause this chakra to shut down. Being condititoned to believe we are all alone, a random accident of the universe with no greater meaning or purpose will block this chakra.
Possible physical and emotional symptoms of an unbalanced Crown Chakra are closed-mindedness, disconnection with the body, cynicism, egotism, chronic fatigue, headaches, migraines, schizophrenia and endocrine disorders.
Tips and Reminders For Staying Balanced
If you have ANY of the physical symptoms stated above, you must consult your healthcare practicioner, as well as utilising any alternative healing modalities that you are interested in. Whilst an unbalanced chakra may be the root cause of a physical illness, simply balancing it out will not always make the issue go away. Same goes for emotional issues, seek therapy and help when required along side your spiritual practices.
If you notice something is off, perform a quick guided chakra clearing meditation. Many can be found on YouTube and can alert you to an energy leak in your chakra system before it gets messy.
Remember the colours, and use them! If your third eye is blocked, eat some blueberries and wear some lapis lazuli! Get creative with foods, clothes, crystals and herbs associated with each colour.
We all move in and out of balance with each of the chakras throughout our lives, this is normal, however an awareness of chakras and how to work with them will bring you much ease and joy into your life.
So, in a nutshell, we have these amazing energetic centres that can tell us all sorts of things about our upbringing, emotional landscape and physical body. Working with our chakras, and in accordance with energetic body can bring harmony and balance into our lives.
If you’re still not sure which chakra you need to focus on, you can book my chakra check up here
Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel for more informative videos on everything Witchy and Spiritual. Make sure to like & Subscribe to stay in the loop!
Brightest Blessings,
Hana the Suburban Witch
Meet Hana
Hana O’Neill, the Suburban Witch is a professional Tarot & Astrology reader, Intuitive Coach and the host of the Witch Talks podcast.