How To Use Astrological Divination Dice

Curious how you can use dice as a tool for Psychic Divination?

Divination dice are totally a thing, but for today I am specifically talking about Astrological Divination Dice which usually come as a set of 3 dice, each with 12 sides.

Before diving into this form of divination, you need to know a little bit about the astrological houses, zodiac signs and planetary associations with astrology.

You can read my intro to astrology post to wet your appetite.

Don’t know the associations or what they represent?! No problem - we cover this and more in my course, The Art of Psychic Divination.

If you do know, let’s jump in!

What’s on the Dice?

First, you need to know what each of the astrology divination dice are used for.
They come as a set of three, 12-sided die.

  1. Numbered 1 thru 12, representing the Astrological Houses

  2. A glyph for each of the 12 Zodiac signs

  3. A glyph for each of the Planets, Luminaries (sun/moon) + the North and South nodes

How To Begin?

Generally, you’ll start with a question. You don't necessarily have to, but I recommend beginning with one.

Next, roll the dice baby! You can ask your question either before or while rolling the die, it’s your choice.

Then you’ll read the energy from the roll.

My favorite way to use these dice is for career readings. In need of a career change? Not sure what to study or field to go into? Where should I go or what should I do next? What is my real career supposed to be?

Fear not, we can find out.

Example Reading

For example, a hypothetical person comes in and is in need of a new direction or career path. What kind of career is good for this person?

They roll.
House: 4
Planet: Mars
Zodiac: Scorpio


Starting with the House Die, houses in astrology are where energy plays out physically in our lives. How it presents in the physical reality.

The 4th house rules over home and family. Any job that gives financial stability & security or stability in where you live works here. Something worthwhile and where good money is attached to it is a good choice. A career that can be considered a “good solid financial choice”.

Becoming an entrepreneur would not be a good choice.

For example, a subscription type service as a business owner where you can accurately see and predict each month. Working from home or within a small, tight-knit community or working for local government - nothing chaotic.


For Planetary energy, we have Mars. It’s the planet of war and it rules over Aries, which traditionally rules over Scorpio. Mars is also the planet of motivation, high energy. Being thrown into challenging situations and be able to just roll with it. Mars also has masculine energy.


The Zodiac die is Scorpio - “getting deep, into the nitty gritty”. This energy is often doing things that others may find uncomfortable. Leaning into investigative service.
Scorpio has the investigative energy, and Mars brings in the challenging energy.

Tie It All Together

For this reading, we can suggest several options for career paths.

  • Child predator Investigative service - entrap predators on the internet from home

  • Internet Cyber hacking services

  • Personal/Private Investigator - you can mainly work from home

  • Paranormal Investigator - Scorpio brings in the paranormal aspect, 4th House brings in investigating homes or focusing on homes and Mars will motivate you.

A side note - that when you’re reading the dice, you can use your creativity and your psychic senses and intuition. It’s the same energy.

Another example for practice.

You roll 5th house, Libra and Saturn. The 5th house and Saturn have quite opposite energies.

Saturn is all about responsibility and being mature and responsible. Being able to set boundaries in places and is the sign of limitations. It has rings, it’s closed in.

Whilst the 5th House is all about creativity and fun, and about children.

Libra is harmonious and beautiful, it is about forming relationships, being able to work one-on-one with someone, and getting people to talk.

Using them all together, these careers could be good options:

  • Child Psychologist - mature, teaching kids boundaries

  • Art Therapist for Children

  • School Teacher or principal

You can be as specific or broad as you need to be when reading the dice. For this example, for a broader reading you could say mentoring or coaching, being in a mature responsible role and using the ability to be creative with children or working with art.

Using divination dice can be a great tool in your toolbox of psychic divination.

Not yet confident in your ability to interpret the dice?

Don’t stress, I got you!

My course, the Art of Psychic Divination will teach you all the skills you need for any form of psychic divination.

Here is a 12 min, video version of this post which was filmed and uploaded a few years back for those visual learners out there.

Meet Hana

Hana O’Neill, the Suburban Witch is a professional Tarot & Astrology reader, Intuitive Coach and the host of the Witch Talks podcast.

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