How To Cleanse And Clear Your Space

Hey There!

Let’s talk about cleansing and clearing your space, yourself and your tools!

Now, what on earth do I mean by this?
Cleansing and clearing is the act of removing unwanted or negative attachments, energy or psychic debris which can build up over time depending on the type of work you do and how empathic or psychically open you may be.

Those who work in really negative environments such as toxic workplace culture or high emotion places like hospitals, funeral homes, wedding venues will definitely benefit from a cleanse and clear regimen as well as those who work in care related industries like the health and wellness sector who may be subject to taking on the emotions and worries of their clients such as nurses, therapists and mediums.

If you work with crystals, tarot or oracle cards, divinatory tools such as divining rods or pendulums or Ouiji (spirit) boards then you will DEFINITELY need to cleanse your space that you use them in, your self by which I mean your entire body and your tools that you have been using.

What Is Cleansing & Clearing, And Why Does It Matter?

Just as you sweep the dirt out after walking mud into your home, you too need to sweep away any negative energies that may have attached themselves to you, your tools or your space.

But why do it in the first place?

This absolutely depends upon each individuals belief system and is highly personal but I will tell you what I believe and why I recommend this practice.

We obviously now understand Germ Theory and why personal hygiene and hand washing is so crucial, but did you know many religions required these practices well before Germ Theory was established?
Did they know something we all didn’t? Maybe originally that knowledge was known, & only the rituals remain but this does make me wonder when it comes to the other ritualised practices such as what I’ve mentioned above.

I believe that everything is energy.
I also believe, that there is a lot that happens in the energetic space that almost everyone is unaware of. There isn’t necessarily good and bad energy, it’s more of a vibrational scale.

There are people who are on the lower vibrational scale, these are generally toxic people to be around and will leave you feeling really emotionally and physically drained.
We also have places that are low vibration due to acts that have occured there, think prisons and murder scenes that hold onto that residual energy from the act.
Next there are things that hold a lower vibration due to residual energy, or holding onto energies throughout their use.

Along with low vibrational energy, there is also just the unwanted energy of another person. For example, after using my tarot cards to read for other people, I routinely cleanse them of my clients energy using a selenite wand so that they are clear and ready for the next client and I’m not getting mixed signals when it comes to my readings.

There are a few people who are energy sensitive such as psychics, mediums, energy healers and empaths who will feel and recognise these low vibrations and stuck or unwanted energy, and we can all tune in to our sensitivities with practice.

How to Cleanse & Clear

These examples will give you a rough idea of each style.
Basically, trial and error will tell you what feels best for you personally .

Water Cleansing & Clearing

Florida Water & Holy Water

The practice of spiritual cleansing with water has been used by many religions and cultures across the world and most commonly includes bodies of moving water such as a stream or ocean, blessed water that is sprinkled upon the person and also cleansing physically through bathing and hand washing. Baptism is a form or spiritual cleansing and occurs in both Judaism and Christian religions.

Florida Water

Florida water is a popular American product from the early 1800s. It is an alcohol base with a blend of essential oils such as Lemon, Orange & Lavender. Some people replace Holy Water with Florida Water.

You can simply wipe down your altar, workspace or even your floor with florida water to cleanse them of any negative energy and clear them so that there is space for new, fresh energy to come in.
Florida water is often used in spellwork to remove heavy vibrations and to allow for clear readings in divinatory work.

When blessing or cleansing a new home or office space simply mix with Basil and Rue before anointing or washing your floors, doors and windows. You can even add a few drops to your bath to rid yourself of negative energy.

Holy Water

Often the most well known water for cleansing and often used in cases of paranormal events, to clear the energies and protect the space. Holy water is water that has been blessed by a religious figure (usually catholic but not necessarily).

Depending on what you wish to cleanse and clear you can sprinkly holy water over an object that carries negative vibes or entities, or keep a bottle on your altar. Also great for blessing a new house before moving in, or a room before bringing home a newborn baby.

Smoke Cleansing & Clearing

Smudging & Herb Bundles

Smoke cleansing is another very common form and is practiced by some Indigenous peoples of the Americas and is often termed Smudging. The Catholic church is another follower of smoke cleansing, utilising the incense of frankincense and myrhh for ritual use. Eastern Religions also commonly use incense, candles and other forms of smoke/flame cleansing methods.


The most well known of this is a bundle of dried white sage, lit and extinguished so that the smoke can cleanse the item, person or room. Unfortunately, the rise in demand for this particular herb has caused the price to rise so high that the First Nations people of America (where this practice hails from), can no longer afford to grow and use this for themselves. I suggest using up any that you already have, and switching to Herb Bundles instead.

Herb Bundles

This is my personal favourite! Simply select your favourite herbs & plants such as Rosemary, Mullein, Eucalypt, Rosewood or Yarrow and tie in a bundle (the same as a sage bundle). Allow to dry, and then light and extinguish, using the smoke as you would a sage smudge to cleanse your room, your aura and your tools. SImply allow the smoke to flow over the item or area, carrying with it the lower energies. Don’t forget to keep your doors and windows open for this one so the energy being cleared has somewhere to go! Some Occult or Metaphysical stores are beginning to stock these bundles for you too.

Crystal Cleansing & Clearing

Selenite & Pendulum

The Metaphysical community utilise crystals & pendulums as well as visualisation, meditation and sound to cleanse and clear blocked and stagnant energy. Witches will also use a variety of the above as well as salt, essential oils and like Shamans, some specific plants and sigil magick.

White Selenite

White Selenite is a soft gypsum stone, it is beautiful and light and comes in a range of shapes. I generally opt for a wand, which is a long column of the stone. Very affordable and easy to find this is a great tool especially for cleansing your own aura, simply sweep the wand down your body from head to toe. Visualise this cutting through any negative attachments and sweeping away the energetic build up of your day.
You can also sit this crystal on top of your tarot deck or spirit board and leave overnight (in the moonlight perhaps) to cleanse the item itself.


Crystal Pendulums can be a handy tool to cleanse energy in a space or in your chakras. Probably more for the experienced energy worker or Witch, you take your usual crystal pendulum (my preference is for black tourmaline) and let it hang so it can move freely. You may do this over your Solar Plexus chakra, or over your desk. The pendulum will move in ways it doesn’t usually when asking simple questions. Once the space is cleared, it reverts to the ‘yes’ position before standing still.
Have fun!

So why not give this a try and take note of how it makes you feel, just use the items you already have at your disposal. The key takeaway here is to go with what feels right to YOU. If a meditation makes you feel clear and ready to take on the day then do that, there are tonnes of amazing guided cleansing meditations on YouTube.

If you love crystals, then incorporate them into your cleansing and clearing regimen.
There is no right or wrong way to do this. Give it a go and have FUN!

If you still feel stuck, and know there is some energy blockage that you simply can’t figure out on your own, why not book in a chakra check up?

I can help diagnose what’s going on for you in your energetic body, let you know how this might be showing up in your life and tell you exactly what you can do to clear this blockage (or excessive) energy. These are completed as a distance reading and can be done no matter where you live in the world!

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Brightest Blessings,

Hana the Suburban Witch


Meet Hana

Hana O’Neill, the Suburban Witch is a professional Tarot & Astrology reader, Intuitive Coach and the host of the Witch Talks podcast.

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