4 Tips To Better Meditation

Meditation is one of the foundational skills required of anyone undertaking psychic work or witchcraft and it is a absolutely a skill, meaning you need to work and practice at it in order to do it effectively. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Healthline.com says that stress reduction is the number one reason people try meditation. Other benefits listed alongside meditation are;

  • Controls anxiety. ...

  • Promotes emotional health. ...

  • Enhances self-awareness. ...

  • Lengthens attention span. ...

  • May reduce age-related memory loss. ...

  • Can generate kindness. ...

  • May help fight addictions.

Personally, I use it for all of those reasons and more. Meditation helps me connect with my spirit guides and deities, communicate with spirits, perform psychic surgery, astral project and it strengthens my psychic abilities too.

Meditating alters your brain waves from beta (what you’re in right now by reading this) and puts you into Alpha or Theta state. Meditation Australia says “Theta waves are often associated with deep states of meditation, peak spiritual experiences, and higher states of consciousness.”

Being able to drop into theta and alpha brain waves is not only physically beneficial but wonderous for manifesting, spell rituals, aspecting and so much more.

Maybe you’ve tried meditating before and failed? Maybe you’ve given up because you have better things to do, or don’t have the time? Whatever the reason, I have 4 easy tips to share with you to make your meditation practice better.

Let me help you with my
4 tips to a better meditation practice


I suggest that all my students aim to meditate for 15-20 minutes.

Once a week is good.
Twice a week is great.
Three times a week is excellent.


It is a myth that meditation needs to be done sitting still. Especially when beginning, you will get more out of active meditation styles such as colouring in, painting, gardening, running or swimming.

Anything where your body is moving and your brain is free to float will help you to achieve the brain wave states required. Keep practicing as this is training your brain! Soon the inactive versions will become easier for you to do too.


When meditating I often lose track of time. Has it been 2 minutes or 1 hour?

It is helpful to set a timer Start at 5 minutes because that is better than nothing and work your way up.

Another option is to choose a guided meditation or piece of music that goes for a specific length of time.


Once you have your spot, stick with it.

I have a chair that I sit in to meditate, my brain and body know exactly what’s up when I sit in that chair and it makes it infinitely easier to slip into a meditative state.

If you’re actively meditating such as colouring in, aim to always use the same book or pens, and sit in the same place when doing it.

If you’re not sure where to start? You can try my free audio download below!


Meet Hana

Hana O’Neill, the Suburban Witch is a professional Tarot & Astrology reader, Intuitive Coach and the host of the Witch Talks podcast.

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